Why Two-Factor Authentication Matters
There is one simple cyber security option for companies to protect themselves and we will cover why two-factor authentication matters at increasing your security.
Here are some questions that will answer why two-factor authentication matters:
- How does two-factor authentication (2FA) differ from two-step authentication (2SA)?
- Are there better cyber security authentication processes available for your business?
This article on why two-factor authentication matters will explain the differences between two-factor authentication (2FA) versus two-step authentication (2SA) so you can make an informed decision for your business.
Businesses are more concerned about cybersecurity threats from cyber criminals and hackers rather than supply chain disruptions, natural disasters, or the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses are ramping up their data cyber security measures because of these concerns. Two-factor authentication (2FA) versus two-step authentication (2SA) are some of the ways to cover your business from these cyber security risks. The two terms are often used interchangeable in business terms however they refer to completely different processes